Since 1945 the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4938 of Edmond, Oklahoma has existed serving Veterans and the city of Edmond. Throughout many decades and generations the members of this post have been community leaders, businessmen, educators, politicians, and pillars all brought together by their bond of not only service to their country, but their desire to continue serving their community and other veterans.
VFW Post 4938 prides itself on being active through programs, fundraising events, youth programs, scholarships, family events, Veteran and Service Member family assistance, and much more. The Post also prides itself on having always been an alcohol and smoke free facility, as well as being a post that encourages the members' families to be involved. This Post boasts a membership spanning across many generations of service and will be continuing to warmly welcome the generations to come.
For more information, we encourage you to click below to visit their website!